
Sample Meditations

  • Meditation for Soul Connection

    Take a few minutes to center and to connect more deeply with your inner light and wisdom

  • Morning Practice to Awaken and Energize

    This wonderful, simple morning practice will start your day with love, peace, and joy. Shake off and release any heavy energy through intentional movement and welcome light to support you in living a day that serves your body, mind, heart and soul.

  • Personal Shielding Meditation

    Use your divine light and personal power to create a personal shield of protection from darkness.

  • Overcoming Fear- Making A Wrong Choice *

    In this gentle guided meditation, we will visit the places within us that become frozen with fear when trying to make decisions. With compassion, we will support these parts of ourselves in understanding how to move forward… .

  • Overcoming Fear- Understanding Its Intention *

    In this gentle meditation, we will identify fear residing in our body. As we become aware of the fear and the intentions it's holding we have more power to choose to keep it or let it go. With love and grace…

  • Chakra Balancing Practice *

    Please join us in this gentle, yet powerful practice to attune to Divine Love and balance the energy centers. Through balancing our chakras and guiding them to work and flow together, we bless every aspect of our being- body, mind, heart and soul.

  • Evening Practice *

    Welcome to our Evening Practice to release and restore. We will create some space and gently move feeling the earth beneath. Together, we will surrender any fears, doubts, worries and insecurities and feel the energy of love and deep peace.

  • I Am Safe- Attuning to My Divine Self *

    Join Melody for this gentle practice to begin shifting away from the sensations of fear and into the energy of peace, stillness, and Divine connection. Upon completion of this practice, and if it speaks to you, you may continue your shift from fear to love within her course, "Free Yourself From Fear and Awaken to the Love You Are" found here on the Insight Timer platform.

  • Sita Ram Bolo Hanuman- Embodiment of Divine Love *

    This track holds the essence of Sita & Ram, divine lovers separated by the evil doings of Ravana. Their separation creates a deep sense of longing. Through the efforts and loving devotion of Hanuman, they are reunited. As you listen, feel the longing within you to be reunited…

  • Morning Practice to Awaken and Energize *

    This wonderful, simple morning practice will start your day with love, peace, and joy. Shake off and release any heavy energy through intentional movement and welcome light to support you in living a day that serves your body, mind, heart and soul.

  • Emotional Reset- From Anxiety to Peace *

    Gift yourself the opportunity to quickly and powerfully shift from a place of stress, anxiety or fear into a place of deeper peace, stillness, and clarity. Within these few minutes you will discover the peace always available to you, right here within your own Self.

  • I am Good- An Affirming Practice to Develop Self-Acceptance *

    Join Melody for a few minutes to help re-attune to the peace and light that comes as we practice self-acceptance. Learn to sort and release the voices and lies that have distanced you from yourself and step more fully into a healthy and loving connection with yourself.

  • Moola Mantra Japa Practice- Om Satchitananda *

    This powerful japa practice offers 108 repetitions of the Moola Mantra. This powerful mantra supports us in shifting from fear to love. Recite along with your mala, or allow it to play in the background to elevate the energy and consciousness of your day. This track is a complement to Melody's course, "Free Yourself from Fear and Awaken to the Love You Are" available here on Insight Timer.

  • Boost of Joy- A 5 Minute Gift to Yourself *

    This playful practice is one that you'll return to again and again- releasing worry, stress, and discomfort from your body quickly and easily and replacing it with joy, laughter, and a sense of lightness.

  • Creating Freedom- Releasing Addiction to Soda *

    This powerful practice is one you can return to as often as you'd like to help reaffirm and create the self-empowerment needed in order to let go of any cravings, tendencies, or addiction that has kept you held captive to soda.

  • 4 Minute Life Changer *

    This simple, powerful practice has the power to shift your energy and thinking within a few short minutes. Taking this time to re-center and come within will set the tone for your day and support you in creating more of what you want and less of what you don't.

  • Energetic Shielding Practice- Healing & Protection *

    Welcome to our Energetic Shielding Practice. Together we will filter the energies that nourish and support you from the energies which do not. We will quiet and release the voices of criticism or those that cause harm, and more deeply connect with the voice of Love. This is a complement to Melody's course, "Energetic Boundaries for Healing and Protection", found here on the Insight Timer platform.

  • Mid-Day Practice to Ground and Center *

    This gentle, powerful practice is a wonderful gift to yourself mid-way through your day. It offers a few minutes to reflect, to ground, and to come more deeply into your center. Creating daily rituals to pause morning, mid-day, and evening will change every aspect of your life for good.

  • A Breath to Balance Body, Mind & Soul *

    This breathing practice is a gentle, loving way to bring balance to your body, mind, heart and soul. We will be guided through a pranayama known as Anuloma Viloma, which is an alternate nostril breathing pattern. It is a powerful way to create deeper peace and stillness.

  • In This Moment, I Welcome Peace *

    Step away from the chaos or quick movements of your day and allow a few minutes for the energy of peace and stillness to settle in. This presence of peace will then move with you throughout the remainder of your day.

  • Overcoming Fear - Being Abandoned

    Please join us for a gentle practice in releasing fear and replacing it with peace. As we better understand what is true and let go of the fear of being abandoned…

  • Welcoming Abundance

    Welcome abundance by listening daily for two weeks. Journal gratitude for all blessings that flow into your life. Take the full course online and change your life for good.

  • Personal Shielding Meditation

    Use your divine light and personal power to create a personal shield of protection from darkness.

  • Energy Reset: For Anxiety

    Through a balance of gentle teaching and short guided practice, reset your energy and get through the day.

  • Toxic Energy Cleanse

    This toxic energy cleanse is a healing meditation designed to release you from the weight of the world that has accumulated through environment, people, and experiences. It's gentle guidance is an ideal way to reconnect with your inner light and shift away from darkness. It is meant to complement Melody's course, Energetic Boundaries for Healing and Protection, also available on Insight Timer.

  • Awaken Your Inner Light and Wisdom

    Activate the Light within and awaken its ability to guide you on your life path.

  • Seed of Peace

    A short, yet powerful and relaxing meditation with Melody Litton, designed to release stress and tension and to reconnect with peace. Connect with Melody online

  • I am Good

    This meditation focuses on the affirmation "I am Good". I am excited to share its gentle power with you.

  • Anchor to Truth and Love

    Anchor to the love and acceptance of your past and future and welcome these energies into your present. Find more and connect with Melody online.

  • Out of Darkness

    Find your way out of the swirling pit of darkness and back into the light with this powerful God-focused meditation. Find more from Melody on her website.

  • Lighten Up

    Lighten up body, mind and soul as you relax into this gentle guided practice. This practice is supportive of physical weight release as well as the release of emotional weight; re-attuning you to greater self-love. It is a complement to Melody's course: Love the Weight Away.

  • Peace While Public Speaking

    This is a very brief and yet powerful practice to support you in shifting into peace when public speaking. Through breath and affirmations, you will build self acceptance and confidence. Regular use will help to create beautiful shifts in releasing this common fear, in turn embracing peace.

  • I Am A Good Person- Practicing Self Acceptance

    It's easy to get lost in the stories and internal whirlwinds of shame and self-criticism. As we learn to instead slow down, tune into our inner light and wisdom, and reflect on things that are more true, we are better able to move into the energy of self-acceptance. Originally shared live and adjusted for this audience.

  • Faith In Divine Timing

    When fear, lack, and doubt creep in, it's the perfect time to reflect on Divine Timing and to claim the faith needed and the willingness to lean into the flow, trusting the unfolding and presence of abundance.

  • When Feeling Like A Hot Mess

    Do you ever feel like a hot mess? Perhaps you feel discouraged, depressed, angry or out of control? Or maybe you feel joyful, excited, and happy to be alive. Whatever you're feeling, it's helpful to be aware of the feelings. Take a few minutes to practice tuning into every part of your self and accepting where you are.

  • Staying In Peace & Wisdom During The Time Of Coronavirus

    A gentle reflection and practice to keep us out of the space of fear and tuned into divine light and wisdom. Originally a live stream for Melody's online community; a combination of teaching and practice.

  • Return To Joy

    Through a balance of gentle teaching and guided practice, find your way back to a place of greater joy, acceptance, and peace. This was originally offered as a live teaching session and adjusted for this setting. Come, return to a place of joy.

  • Making Peace With The Unexpected

    When unexpected trials hit us out of no where, it's easy to get lost in the pain, suffering, or confusion. Join Melody for the next few minutes in discovering a different path - a path that guides us back to peace.

  • Reeeeelax

    When life feels heavy, gunky or like it's just too much, sometimes all we need to do is reeeeelax. Please join me for a few minutes to reflect and to move the gunky energy out of your body. Make a bit of room for the Light. Originally shared as a live stream video for my online community.

  • Overcoming Resistance To Action

    Through a combination of conversation and practice, gift yourself the opportunity to reflect on the resistance holding you back from moving in the direction that would better serve you. Begin the process of releasing the resistance, allowing for greater movement, flow, peace, and growth.

  • Silencing The Voices In Our Head

    Sometimes the voices in our head are shouting and loud. We often surrender to their critical words and trust that they know more than we do about what's true. But they simply don't. In this brief reflection, allow your Truth to find its way forward to silence the voices that do not serve you.

  • Feeling Fully Present- Alone With Myself

    So often we escape into the "doing" of life and use distractions to avoid being present. When we abandon ourself in this way, we suffer more and experience loneliness. When, instead, we choose to be fully present with our Self, we create deeper levels of peace and more fully live our life.

  • Slow Down And Be

    Gift yourself these few moments to experience full presence. Call yourself back to your center, allowing yourself to simply Be. In this world that pushes us and rushes us, it is a blessing to remember to slow down and be.

  • Love Yourself Gently- Self Care Reflection

    Join me in this gentle guided practice to reflect on the ways your body or soul may be calling for support, love, or care. Walk away feeling more deeply connected to your Self and committed to loving yourself more completely. Originally offered live in Melody's Daily Dose of Peace here on Insight Timer.

  • Trusting Intuition

    Gently move within your Self to discover the gifts that come through listening and trust the intuition that comes from within you. Increase trust, decrease fear. Originally shared live and adjusted for this platform.

  • Balm For The Soul-Christ Centered Musical Mantra

    Join Melody in shifting away from fear and into peace through this gentle Christ-centered kirtan. This was recorded live while quarantined in her home, so the audio quality is a bit sketchy here and there, but the intent and love is pure.

  • Learning To Listen To The Body

    Through a combination of teaching and gentle practice, learn to listen more intentionally to the wisdom coming from your body. This is a wonderful complement to the course "Love the Weight Away" which is available here on Insight Timer.

  • Trust Your Path - 20 Min Daily Insight

    Decrease suffering and increase your peace through this gentle practice of surrender and trust. Meant to be revisited again and again; however often you feel yourself attaching to expectations or demands that life be a certain way.

  • Let It Flow

    Gift yourself 8 minutes to connect to your soul and release from body, mind, and heart the things that are blocking your energy from flowing freely. Receive the peace and love available to you, always ready to guide and support you.

  • Shameless Self-Care

    We care for others, we serve and give from a place of love. Too often however we do not do the same for our self. We hesitate to take as good of care of ourself as we care for another. In this gentle practice we will reflect on our pattern and begin shifting into a better relationship with self care.

  • Moving Beyond The Ruts

    With a combination of teaching and guided practice, gift yourself the opportunity to reflect on your old patterns and support yourself in creating a new path to move in the direction that better serves you.

  • What's Blocking Your Light?

    Gift yourself several minutes of reflection to discover the thoughts, beliefs, and obstacles that block you from experiencing and receiving the benefits of Light. When we are blocked, we suffer more. When we reconnect with Light, we suffer less.

  • A Gentle Practice To Develop Self Love - 10 Min Daily Insight

    Please join me for a ten-minute daily practice that transforms your relationship with yourself. Deepen self-love and self-acceptance by gazing into the mirror and falling in love with the Divine Soul you are.

  • Becoming My Own Gatekeeper

    We often attract and absorb energy, ideas, and beliefs about our self that are unhelpful, inaccurate, or untrue. It's essential we often check-in to see if we are operating under energies that don't serve us and intentionally re-attune to ideas, thoughts, and energies that do.

  • Releasing The Old Making Room For The New

    So often we store old stories, old traumas, old beliefs, and old experiences within our body, mind and spirit. These are often taking up space that could be better occupied. Join in this gentle practice to begin clearing out the old to make room for the new.

  • Trust Your Knowing- Soul Connection

    Gift yourself a few minutes to reflect on the wisdom and knowing within. Practice listening to this knowing rather than seeking external validation. It will guide you again and again to the truth that is meant for you and help you avoid the pain and resentment that may come from ignoring it.

  • Who Do I Want To Be?

    Take the next few minutes to gently reflect on who you are and who you want to be. Notice how you've been showing up in the world and if that aligns with the truth of who you are. With compassion, we will invite ourself into greater alignment.

  • Releasing The Venom

    Take these moments to reflect on the venom that moves through you and the ways past wounding can continue to harm us, and gently find your way to moving it out through the process of forgiveness. Originally recorded live and adjusted for this space.

  • A Gentle Detox & Body Reconnection

    With gentle awareness, move your attention through your body to identify and release any energy you may be carrying that is not serving your highest good. Feel the gentle, yet powerful release of this energy and welcome Light in its place.

  • Permission To Rest

    In this world that teaches us our value is determined by our productivity, we learn to go, go, go and do, do, do. What a wonderful gift it is to allow ourselves instead to rest, to be. In this gentle reflection, we will discover the wisdom of resting.

  • Being Present Vs Being Busy

    Step out of the busy-ness of life and into the peace that comes from choosing presence. This practice contains some teaching as well as guided meditation. Originally shared live and adjusted to share here.

  • Centered In Love

    Gift yourself a few minutes for this gentle but powerful practice of releasing the energy of others and coming back into your own center, a center where LOVE is the anchor that keeps you healthy and grounded.

  • Holding Space For Grief - 19 Min Daily Insight

    Life offers us a vast array of emotions. Grief is often one that feels bigger than we can face alone. Through this gentle practice discover your power to hold space for the grief while also holding space for peace and love.

  • Shifting From Pain To Peace - Repentance, A True Gift

    Gift yourself 15 minutes to reflect on the stories, beliefs, thoughts, and actions that are drawing you away from peace, from love, from yourself, or from God, and support yourself in returning to Love.

  • Recognize Harm & Shift It To Love

    Each day, consciously and unconsciously we affect those around us. In this gentle meditation, we begin to consider what we are creating- love or harm. Without judgment, we can gently draw ourselves back into the space of love.

  • From Pain To Peace

    Our human experience is often difficult and we are continually faced with the opportunity to fight what is or surrender to what is. Gift yourself the next few minutes to feel the relief that comes as we intentionally choose the peace that comes with surrender.

  • Energetic Flush- Clean, Purify, Lighten

    With a combination of teaching and guided practice, gift yourself the opportunity to get up and intentionally move to release the heavy energy that is weighing you down and gunking up your system. Originally shared live and adjusted to be shared here.

  • Relax Into Life- Devil's Snare

    Through a combination of teaching and practice, discover the ways fighting against the flow has been increasing your experience of struggle and suffering. Gently support yourself in relaxing into trust, faith and peace.

  • Connecting With Your Higher Self

    Through a combination of teaching and practice, discover and connect more deeply with your own internal guidance system, or Higher Self. Allow this part of you to guide you in making healthy and wise choices throughout your life.

  • Making My Heart My Home

    So often we operate from our mind, from the words and perspectives of others, from socialized beliefs, from stress and inconsistent thoughts. When we learn to draw ourselves back into our center and move into our heart more deeply, everything changes.

  • Making Love To Life

    In this gentle practice, we'll reflect on the experience of truly living with love, passion, and connection. What if we allowed ourselves to make love to life? How would our experience change if we chose to bring our full self into each moment?

  • Reflection For Self-Love

    Gift yourself the next few minutes to deeply connect with yourself and check in with the different parts of yourself that need you, that are longing for your attention and awareness. As we get to know ourselves, and truly know ourselves, this is how we begin to practice and understand true self-love.

  • Self-Care Reflection

    In this gentle reflection, we will spend time checking in with ourselves, noticing the ways we are well nourishing ourselves and where we are not fully honoring our own needs. In our increased awareness we can re-dedicate ourselves to better self-care practices and bring greater peace and healing into our lives.

  • Magic Of Breathing

    Through teaching and a gentle practice allow yourself to access the magic of your breath. Through intentional breathing you will feel the shift of body, mind, heart and spirit during this brief but powerful practice.

  • Choosing To Be Born - Life Reflection

    Take a gentle journey to the earliest moments of life to reflect on why your soul made the choice it did to enter the world in this body, in this way, at this time. Originally offered to a live audience and adjusted for this setting.

  • Embracing Emotions During Times Of Grief

    In this human experience, we are met with opportunities to feel every emotion, the deepest grief, and the greatest joy. In this gentle reflection. we consider the divine potential within us to hold space for the entire spectrum of emotion, the fullest experience of living this human life.

  • Honoring Our Personal Successes

    So often we are lost in comparisons that lead to shame or feeling self-critical. What if instead we approached ourselves with gentle compassion and a full celebration of who we are and what we are accomplishing without the need to compare? Join Melody (Jyoti Ma) in this gentle teaching and reflection.

  • Choosing Presence

    Join Melody for this gentle journey into yourself to feel, to reflect, to heal, and to come to know the love within you. With tenderness, you'll be guided from tension to peace, from criticism to gratitude, and from darkness to light.

  • A Gentle Practice To Develop Self Love - 5 Minute Daily Insight

    A Gentle Practice To Develop Self-Love - For this practice. please be near a mirror. Gaze into your own eyes with the gentle guidance to return yourself to peace, develop self-compassion and begin shifting towards greater levels of self-love.

  • Hidden Treasure

    Teaching with a brief reflection practice. It's time to take a look into our closet. What's in there? What have we been hiding or avoiding? What treasures have we forgotten that we might find again? What do we want to keep and what would we like to get rid of? Join me for a few minutes of reflection.