Podcast: Accepting Myself Where I Am
A 15 minute podcast from Melody Litton, sharing her perspective on the importance of self-acceptance in the creation of growth and positive change. Begins with a few minutes of breathing and self-connection. Allows for self-reflection and an opportunity for spiritual and emotional shifts. Originally live streamed via video for her online community at Elevating the Soul.
In Love With Life
When is the last time you shouted to the world, "I'm in love with my life!"? If it's been a while, please take the next few minutes to tune in. Hear the words I share and listen to the truth within you. Gently shift back into an energy of acceptance, understanding, and joy.
Radiating Joy
Every moment we are radiating energy out into the world. Take a few moments with me to consider what you have been radiating and make a decision to choose to radiate something beautiful. This is a combination of a podcast and gentle practice.
Practicing Acceptance
As we practice acceptance, you release yourself from unnecessary suffering. Join Melody for this short talk to increase your experience of peace. Original video livestreamed for her online audience at Elevating the Soul.
Permission To Be Me
Do you ever find yourself changing who you are in order to meet the expectations or demands of others? Do you ever feel inadequate or afraid to be authentic or raw? Do you long to feel safe to just be YOU? Give yourself the next few minutes to shift into the energy of authenticity and self-acceptance.
Today I Honor Myself For...
Everywhere around us, we see and hear negative self-talk. It's destructive to body, mind and soul. Today, choose something better. Choose to honor the good and beauty within you and let the magic of your loving words transform your heart and soul.
Triggers, Our Call For Love
Share in a few minutes of reflection to discover the way our triggers are a call to love ourselves more deeply and to heal, and how the same is true for the triggers of others. This talk was originally shared live and adjusted for this platform. Includes a brief meditative practice.
Om Mani Padme Hum- Letting Go Of Should
Find the peace that is available as we practice letting go of our belief that things have to be a certain way in order for us to be happy. Om Mani Padme Hum; a powerful mantra supporting surrender and acceptance. Originally recorded live and adjusted to share here.
Befriending Myself
Gift yourselves a few minutes to tune in and reflect. So often we move throughout our day without ever pausing to ask how we're feeling, how we're doing, or to check in with the deeper parts of our self. This talk was originally offered as a live teaching within Melody's online community. It is a combination of teaching and practice.
Held In Peace | A Musical Prayer
A short introduction and then a musical prayer to call in the spiritual and energetic support available to us. Sing with me as we release from pain and move into peace. It's not about singing it "right"; it's about dropping into the soul space and calling out to your higher power, accepting the peace availble to each one of us no matter what we face.
Choosing To Love
When life is difficult and things don't go as planned, it's easy to become discouraged and fall into the role of the victim. Learn to shift back to love simply by using the wisdom and agency within you. This short talk will support your ability to experience peace and joy.
Celebrating Slime (Embracing Your Authentic Joy)
Let us dive into some internal reflection on what brings you joy and notice where you've robbed yourself of that in order to please someone else or to fit in. Originally shared live and adjusted to share here.
Devil's Snare (Podcast)
Learn to step out of fear and into the energy of peace and acceptance when you feel life closing in on you. This track contains a combination of teaching and practice. It was originally live-broadcasted to Melody Litton's online community.
What's Blocking Your Light?
Gift yourself several minutes of reflection to discover the thoughts, beliefs, and obstacles that block you from experiencing and receiving the benefits of Light. When we are blocked, we suffer more. When we reconnect with Light, we suffer less.
Faith In The Unfolding
Join in this gentle reflection to begin releasing ego and attachment and to increase your desire for, understanding of, and willingness to practice acceptance and faith. Lean into the gift of faith, trusting that all is unfolding as it is meant to. Recorded live and adjusted for this platform.
Awake My Soul
Through gentle teaching and reflection, become aware of the areas where you have strayed from the path of love and truth. Shift from the pain and weight of shaming and into higher and more helpful vibrations of loving correction.
Balance First - Communicate Second
Words are powerful. Whether spoken or written, they make an impact on those around us. Too often our words are used as weapons for war or hate, rather than tools for healing and love. This gentle reflection brings to our awareness of how we're choosing to use our words, helping us choose to come into balance before communicating with others.
The Blessing Of Repentance
Too often the words sin and repentance have been used from a place of shaming and condemnation. Let us heal our relationship with these words and through this practice and reflection, heal our hearts as well.